Transform your Quality of Life.

Tailored-made quality-of-life improvement training programs by Dr. Calderon.

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The Maverick QOL Improvement Process

Transforming one’s life from trauma to thriving is within your grasp.

The Heal, Train, and Thrive quality of life (QoL) improvement process is a simple but difficult process. The challenge is to transform suffering into thriving life conditions by addressing each circumstance, emotional attachments, and one’s cyclic story of it.

The journey to a thriving quality of life continues in learning new ways of being.

Training requires the active learning of new behaviors, intelligent responses, schemas, and values. I define training as the intelligent application of knowledge in real world situations which result in the strengthening of one’s resilience. In being resilient we shift from suffering into a life affirming creative stage with little to no limits; only the limits that you place on yourself.

Reaching the thriving life stage establishes the self-actualization fertile grounding of living in authenticity (liberated and happy).

Congratulations, reaching the thriving quality of life stage, means that you have worked hard and are now ripping well-earned benefits. Internally one has reached a happy and liberated state where one can creatively engage the world at large.

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The Maverick Think-Tank.

Transforming veterans and their family's quality of life through advocacy efforts that promote evidence-based knowledge to government decision-makers. 


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